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Why is everyone leaving?

Ik! There are no popular creators anymore that post frequently since I joined (*vvv late* 2019 I think-) it it makes me sad bc that’s all this app had like maybe 4 popular giants (as in they had over like 5000 followers) and only like 1 or 2 of them post at all if ever and it’s sad the drama was about the same tho! No one ever posted p*rn tho and if someone did it was *usually* anatomy practice and if it wasn’t everyone would mass report them and it was ok and mostly everyone was happy (as in no one left every 5 min) like yeah the posts were cringe but no one went out of their way to start drama like ppl do now anyways all of that wasn’t needed but yeah


  lame idk

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Ik, ive been here for a really long while, but i was in anothe acc, back then they actually did drama and nsfw, but now everything is kinda peaceful, idk what theyre talking about

2 years ago   Reply

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