

No they like me actually! Unlike yours who probably fucking hate you in private I bet you get fucking bullied at school and jack off to tranny porn cause nobody likes you except for that tranny! So your just denying it I can see you are living just by how your typing! I bet your stupid ass gets horny every time you talk to them!




“Tranny tranny tranny-“ Jesus fucking Christ you can’t shut up if your life depended on it, I don’t give a shit if they did bad stuff I don’t give a shit if I did bad stuff all I want is for your ugly short ass to shut up and to let me fucking sleep

You act like your so secure behind the glass screen but really when your in a fight you get smoked and punted up against the wall

You ain’t got shit and you never will,why? Because your an ugly retarded stupid short nerdy dumb cunt

1 years ago   回复 (1)

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