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do you accept's wife

At the hospital, the parents claimed that their children were noticeably different. Two boys even claimed to have different names then their given names at birth, and Virginia's parents wondered why Virginia had freckles. When Virginia asked to see her xray, the nurses ignored her. Virginia overheard the nurses talking overnight. The nurses said: "Everything's backwards!" This got the attention of Virginia.That night, Virginia kept her hand at her chest, wondering if her heart was on the right side

2 years ago   Reply

do you accept's wife

In our universe, Virginia Arnoldson learned of John D. Rockefeller's special tree. As the tree was starting to get ready, Virginia wanted to place her star at the very top of the tree. She gathered her friends to form a human ladder to let her get to the top. But, the ladder started to tumble, and at that moment, the special tree transported all of the children to the MM universe, and the MM kids were placed in our universe.they began switching between angles and positions after bright flashes of light appeared, they did this for what Virginia felt like were 500 years until she appeared in the MM universe and was taken to the hospital along with her friends.

2 years ago   Reply

do you accept's wife

Virginia Fate Arnoldson was one of several children to be affected by a special tree and sent to the opposite universe by the special tree's powers. Very little is known about Virginia's life, or what happens before and after her transportation.

Before being teleported to the MM universe, Virginia appeared in a field of special trees she nickanamed wonderland because of the book her mother had read for her as a child , Alice in wonderland, there she met a tall pale man who she named Everett who took care of her the best way he could

2 years ago   Reply (2)

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