

.-. I dont wanna be friends- really the only time you talked was when you were interested in rp. You kinda sat blank for hours or a day when I wasnt into it while I questioned my choice. You treated me more of a toy than a "friend" When your use was done, Aka you roleplaying you lost interest n stopped reaching out to me. Jus like you got bored and moved onto the next girl to have sum fun with-




Lie again know what im done arguing at this point I’m gonna hangout with my friends that are actually there for me and doesn’t puts me down I don’t use them or girls as toys I treat them with my honorable respect you may saw me treating you as a “toy” but one thing is that you might be a bit delusional and seeing things I tried to reach out to you but you ignored me thanks for burning more of a light in me it makes me hate more and more about this society I’ll use the powers that you told me to use to show this world who they are dealing with my gang and I during our High school year will prove a point to everyone now it is time for me to take a bow and say fuck you and goodbye.goodbye elly thanks for everything

1 years ago   Reply (2)

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