ˢⁱʳ ˢʷᵃᵍ


Yup but just 4 more years and I'm out of the house and put to collage so yeah :)



ˢⁱʳ ˢʷᵃᵍ

Oh, another thing ,you might wanna hide the ANIME MAKER app in some sort of folder (as in that square that appears on your mobile device once you put 2 apps together), you can name it the "tools" folder, then your dad might be unable to find it ,you might wanna get rid of the notifications too once they pop up, just in case your dad snoops around your phone. I don't think I have to explain why you should hide this, like , he's getting exposed here XD

1 years ago   回复 (1)

ˢⁱʳ ˢʷᵃᵍ

FYI (for your information), I sent you a friend request on Roblox (cuz I don't know why lol) , my username on Roblox is "UnknownPlayerAAAA"

1 years ago   回复 (1)

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