
lol @abdel

I don’t know if anyone will see this, I also don’t really know how to put this into words but I want to apologize. I was young, I’m pretty sure my name was DuctMations at the time and I told victims of this g00ming and underage sa to “get over it”. When I say this, I really do mean it, I am so, so sorry. I was young and should’ve just shut the fuck up. Deep down in my heart I feel horrible for the people that went through this. What I said back then was wrong. Please, please forgive me. I promise and swear on everything that’s not who I am. Now, I’m a grown, behaved, and responsible person. I have a career I’m set on and taking college prep classes. I once again apologize for my irresponsibility and rudeness. I have never wanted forgiveness so bad in my life. I am extremely sorry.


  (read rentry)


to see a comment like this on an unlisted vent post from 2 years ago.. i am just. in awe. thank you. thank you so much. it truly warms my heart to see that you made the effort to go all the way back to this post and apologise for something as personal to me as this. im glad that you're making the effort to better yourself. you seem like such a nice, kind, considerate, and caring person. i can tell you've grown a lot. i absolutely forgive you; so please stop beating yourself up over this. you didn't know any better; we were both very young and naive, and at the end of the day- everyone makes mistakes. so please. dont be too hard on yourself for something from 2 years ago. its okay. and again; thank you! i wish you the best in your studies. please stay safe and i hope that you have a nice day :)

2 years ago   Reply


I hope everyone accepts my apology, once (If) everyone forgives me, I’m going to delete this account and start over. As a better person.

2 years ago   Reply

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