L1mE L1mE L1mE L1mE L1mE L1...


I didn't know he had mental issues when I was making those animes, and now that I know that, I will stop making those animes, but there's a reason why I called it the longest name war. WAR. All war is deception- sun zu, but I wasn't lying either. when I said he was lying to his followers about him not making fan art, he changed it to being follow him AND post about him. I also didn't realize that when he said to call me an idiot on everything, that it was a joke. I just thought he was being toxic. I am a bit sorry for all of those animes when I realized that he had ,mental issued, but like I said, I stopped making those animes when I realized that he had mental issues, but thanks for commenting and making the anime more popular



L1mE L1mE L1mE L1mE L1mE L1...

also a “bit” sorry?

1 years ago   返信

L1mE L1mE L1mE L1mE L1mE L1...

Dude you only want clout you always say “thanks for making this anime more popular”

1 years ago   返信 (1)

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