🍷Zilo🎭 (founder of felixlib...

💫Mystic Craft💫

A couple hours later ender purl awoke to the sound of a dragon liking. as she opened her eyes seeing coolers she had never seen before and she was missing some Colors she tries to move her errs. in confusion but nothing in fact she can’t feel them! She moved her pow to get up and seen she had hands! Human hands! She looks around to see that they are in a cave before seeing sinensis liking her arm as sinensis sees her wake she is happy and hoping around but as sinensis is trying to explain what happened ender perl noticed that she can’t hear sinensis!


  💫Mystic Craft💫

🍷Zilo🎭 (founder of felixlib...

Puzzled of what just happened and trying to understand what sinensis is saying she remembers Viggo and try’s to remember what he said to hear her talk.Then it came to her.She repeated the word and said “Brisingr”.All she heard was sinensis shouting at her.using her hands she closed sinensis mouth and told her “don’t worry I can hear you”

1 years ago   Reply (2)

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