idiotsndwich IS DEAD

idiotsndwich IS DEAD

Now considering fnaf 6, the puppet had seemed to escape, and re posses all the animatronics that were burnt down in the fire, into the Funtime animatronics somehow, since she had to literally be lured into a machine that was designed to catch her, yet did nothing but make her appear like Freddy, but that’s later. Now considering all the animatronics were put inside robots since before they were even teens, their mentality degraded, of which caused Mikes own sis to fool Mike into entering the scooping room, of which all the Funtime animatronics went to, combined themselves into one entity called Enard, and scooped out all of Mikes insides with the scooping room’s functions, and were finally human for around 30 years from their death.


  idiotsndwich IS DEAD

idiotsndwich IS DEAD

But, it’s common sense that using a corpse as a costume is: bodies rot, so Mikes skin eventually became as problematic as Enard walking around without it, so they vomited themselves out of Mikes skin, of which baby somehow predicted that just like his father, he wouldn’t die, and Mike fucking stands up while having no insides present. Now he talks to himself somehow expecting Afton to hear, of which he concludes with, he’s gonna find him. Fast forward a bit, The foos in Enard get mad that baby’s the one mainly in control or something, and kick her out of the gang, of which she somehow rebuilds a similar looking animatronic to baby, except all beat up, roles skate shoes, and a giant ass claw.

2 years ago   Reply (1)

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