

Its np and I do care about you a lot. You are human too and I know things are tough but I'm sure light will fill your heart. You don't need to care for our mental health because it's not your responsibility to. You really are a good friend and I enjoy seeing you post.And I experienced the same thing. I wanted someone to love me too but I couldn't accept they didn't. You are an amazing person though and never think that you and your content is bad because its funny and great to see.




Once again thank you, I like your content as well your funny and smart and I'm sorry whoever you liked didn't like you back you don't deserve it, there's actually few people in the world who I actually care about and you're one of them, I'm sorry I don't comment on you're posts as much, but i just want you to know I'm looking out for you, and whatever path you choose I will support you, cause you are a true friend and I want you to know that.

1 years ago   Reply (1)

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