ˢ ⁱ mp☆


Peshawwww !(me being old)
Try looking at yours bro! I am jealous you post that much 😭
I also can’t even imagine all the hilarious drawings you make! They make me fall off my seat every time TT



ˢ ⁱ mp☆

Bro I'm hella old lmao
That's not true! My arts quick scribbles that take me like a minute! Yours take you forever
And they are masterpieces your so underrated if I could donate flowers to you I definitely would!
Your characters are amazing and very well designed and your color choices are amazing
Whenever you comment on one of my posts I smile you make me so happy!
My character looks like a pile of dried dog poop compared to yours! Your amazing!

1 years ago   Reply (4)

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