ˢ ⁱ mp☆


Without a thought I would’



ˢ ⁱ mp☆

And your ocs gorgeous

1 years ago   Reply (4)

ˢ ⁱ mp☆

Don't get me started man cause I'm about to drop a fucking bomb on you
Your so sweet and you'll say such kind things to me whenever I talk to you
You always make me smile whenever you post and you don't deserve any sad emotion you face
Your a amazing person and when you smile it's like the world smiles with you, cause you brighten up
Any room your in, I swear whenever I see you on it's like everyone gets in a better mood including me
I'm more than just happy to know you your so nice to everyone and you have a halirous sense of humor
And every time you joke you make me laugh a lot, your drawings are so cute and adorable your drawings
Are so amazingly colorful and bright it makes me wonder "What's going on threw there mind"
You have such a amazing art process

1 years ago   Reply

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