ˢ ⁱ mp☆


Styx I apologize, I shouldn’t noticed it. It’s fine I’m not mad. I will not tell anyone. And tbh I may really like zimick but it seem you two make each other happy. You two can have each other and you and pyro and be friends I’ll just keep to my friends sorry for stealing yours. We can stop being friends cya soon I guess.



ˢ ⁱ mp☆

no. do not just cut yourself off from them. especially not zimick. I don't want anything to do with him in that way anymore. I forced myself to push those feelings away for your sake and mine. even if I do, it doesn't matter. you don't do that.

and don't stop talking to pyro, either. he's not just my friend, he's yours too. I'm a fucking idiot for being upset over any of this, and you're not going to stop talking to anyone just because of this. you didn't steal any friends, I'm just a fucking child.

I'm just going to leave for a while. cut myself off from everyone. if anyone is going to stop being friends with them it's me. not you.

1 years ago   Reply (2)

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