Firstly try to..idk be logical you didn’t ask, first, secondly fuck no you don’t have the balls you a guy behind a screen who doesn’t have a fucking life a lil’ piece of shit, plus you say you have the balls but nit enough balls to keep a message not deleted, thirdly why tf you talking about careers you don’t want to go that way I’m closer to have one than you, ok idfk where I’m at anymore, you tryna say everybody is fucking with other people (while you can’t get with one, sorry for reminding you) you’re gonna see wayy worse, you might do way worse and trust me I’m sure about it. Lastly, you’re shocked that people hate you, when I get in hell Imma search you mf if you think you’re a good person then wtf is wrong with you, see ya never, for your own good 😊
that whole paragraph u wrote isnt doing batshit to try and justify what you’ve done