

Well, actually, I'm Styx hello there, and I for one, am actual garbage and I wanna kms, and like I said this thorn in my side named Cross won't let me, and for some reason I STILL DONT UNDERSTAND WHY HE LOVES ME EVEN THOUGH HES GAVE ME MULTIPLE DETAILED PARAGRAPHS ON WHY HE DOES
And, he has a million other simps but he chooses me bc he loves me the most and wants the best for me, but I still don't see that and he's trying his hardest but it never seems like it's enough for me

[And no I don't have a new one, it's the same one, we got back together and worked it out]




..alr, I give up, I have more important shit to be worried abt rn

[oh, got it.]

1 years ago   回复 (1)

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