
Wip for a Snapchat faded

[lmfao. I'm still working out the details, bit this is what I have so far:

pink-makes you lustful/horny asf
blue-makes you depressed asf, cry a lot, but you can breathe underwater
green-acid mushrooms. literally just get you high, but also makes it feel like your skin is melting
purple-makes you dizzy asf, but you can copy ppls voices for a few hrs
white-makes you fly, only lasts an hour per shroom
red-makes it feel like your skin is burning, but also makes you fire proof
orange-basically like weed, gives you the munchies
yellow- makes you happy, you giggle a L O T
black-you can melt and reform, makes you look sorta like venom when you do(my personal fav)
and these little skinny multicolored ones make you stretchy, and you get all bouncy like rubber

just. pls don't do anything to copy Q.Q ik I get overly dramatic abt the whole copying junk, but it happened so much irl and I can't do anything abt it, so shi like that just makes me so mad online T.T]




Man- dat shit so og I think I would die if I tried to copy it, here, if I mention anything related to you or your shrooms would you like a noticeable credit? Because I’m me and I steal nicknames and that’s how we got mad at each other and I think stealing smth so cannon yo you would push us away forever)

1 years ago   Reply (1)

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