

I feel you. Like, I play soccer just as much as my sister. Even more! And she gets the credit for being a goalie, no one said anything about me it’s alway about boo. And I just wanna quit but my parents would be upset because I’ve been dropping out of everything lately. School is stressful and they keep making me join this like NJHS or drama club. Like I always wanted to do drama club and now my sister and I both have lead roles, I’m happy for her. But I’m always jealous. And not to mention she steals my friends. But hey- if you like that stuff you like it no matter what they say)




[lmao, I didn't realize we were into the same things. I used to play soccer, before B (little sisters innitial) took over pretty much ALL sports. after that I tried basketball, and softball, and track, but she took over all of them and I didn't enjoy them as much anyway. I'm in theater rn, and I'm 90% sure that's the only thing she won't be taking over when she gets into highschool(I'm 15, she's 12), but I don't even enjoy it that much. I'm too scared to get on stage, I'm just a stage help. I kinda hate it. but like. it's all I have to do now.

I feel you, man.]

1 years ago   Reply (1)

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