they already reset it tho
im fcking scared of them
i couldnt do taht even if i wanted to
but i dont rlly care. im supposed to be getting a job this summer w my stepdad, and hes gonna be giving me full pay like one of his workers. so ill save up
but it wont matter anyway bc i gotta wait until i turn 18 before im allowed to have any form of electronics again
rn im hiding w a phone they dont know abt bc i got it from my partner. theyd kill me if they knew
also, my dad didnt decide. my mom told him to take it and he just went with it. like always
i hate him
hes a pathetic little man w no mind of his own
what did u do 😭😭 god damn
if u wanna say its cool if youre uncomfortable
but i believe in u i personally could not save up for anuthing i would blow my paycheck so fast on stupid silly shit i want a job so bad
your parents are toxic what za hell😭😭 i feel bad for ur dad
i fele bad for you i can imagine that thag is not. a healthy enviroment for u