Encanto girl

Maddie and unknown

U did and u could have either sqid no or ok instead of saying why are u asking people on their oages? Do u see how that sounds rude


  Maddie and unknown

Encanto girl

No, I am just trying to make you understand that- people don't want to see other people asking for something when they had a shitry week filled with stress because life is shit and the lack of knowing how to communicate well doesn't help while having to deal with two dipshits on one hand and a person not understanding and getting angry on the other, while thinking you're angry at them and trying to start a fight while you're already dealing with someone who started one, now do you fucking understand why I asked you this?? Because why?? Also the worst part is that I just offered you to stop the conversation but you didn't listen showing you actually want me to start a fight, so except if you want to tell me something and continue this, which is useless, you said it yourself, I am heading out.

1 years ago   回复 (1)

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