
🦷🍄Mushi & Cloud🍄☁️

shes 13 and knows more than you
its not right
whether shes in a bad mood or whatever
she shouldnt be putting out her anger on you for no reason
if someone did that to her
she would be so sad and 🥺🥺😭😭
and im sorry you’re being called fat 🩷


  🦷🍄Mushi & Cloud🍄☁️


Hol' on, artsy said this:"meeve was vandalizing our art, scribbling out our drawings and comments, saying rude things. Both me and simp were very upset, because they wouldnt leave us alone.
It's not your fault. It's meeve's fault <3
And they barge into our private convos and call me a slut, hoe, bitch, and whore and shit"
Did you do that?
I'm very confused rn

1 years ago   Reply (1)

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