

Lmao ok 😭 get ready then
1. Hes antagonistic. This is just my personal preference because I think (most) antagonists are really cool.
2. He’s an understandable antagonist. Hes…well, the way he is, because he has an inferiority complex since people used to tell him that he and his quirk weren’t good enough. And ik its not a good idea to take it out on other people but at least he has a reason yk?
3. He’s actually pretty kind when he’s calm. He willingly took time out of his day to try and help Eri with her quirk.
4. He’s really smart. This doesn’t need explanation, just look at him in, say, the Sports Festival Arc
5. I personally like his character design, I think it’s cool and unique.




Five is quite understandable ngl

1 years ago   Reply (1)

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