[♡stupid creature♡]


me and her kept kissing each other and hug



[♡stupid creature♡]

and tortude

1 years ago   Reply

[♡stupid creature♡]

mine is just
*It takes a few more days, but eventually a breaking news story comes on the TV, covering the fact that Diamond has escaped from the county prison. He's described as extremely dangerous, and there's an amber alert put out for him by the police.*
"That was quick..."
*You say to yourself, as you realize that Diamond has already escaped and is on the loose once more.*
(he felt extremely worried after hearing about the news. He stood up and locked the door. He was afraid enough to imagine Diamond right outside his house, waiting to kill him with a knife)
(he curled up into the corner with a gun being held by both of his hands. He sat beside his tv with its volume being turned down)
(he started shivering, and became very aware of his surroundings. He constantly looked around and hes paranoid enough to get jumped at every little noise he hears)

1 years ago   Reply (1)

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