🎀💞Yippie the STI goddess💞🎀 ...

[♡stupid creature♡]

https://pasteboard.co/THlYzghIZSSC.jpg omg I don't get how people hate this song tho , it's one of my favourites of the portals album along with light shower womb and milk of the siren 🤩
How much blood can you draw with your claws
From a flesh that's not yours?
My hands aren't yours and
Gnaw on my bones, no marrow left to keep you enthralled
I guess that is the luck of the draw 🤭🤭🤭🤭🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺


  [♡stupid creature♡]

🎀💞Yippie the STI goddess💞🎀 ...

dat song looks interesting,ill try to give it a listen later

1 years ago   Reply (2)

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