

Sure 👍




a few days later (THIS IS STILL HAPPENING) some idiots started to (what I’m guessing) harass marc for technically the right thing?
they said marc did a nsfw rp (which was true) and marc admitted that they were doing nsfw rps and said they were sorry
but the idiots didn’t stop harassing them
marc left for a week and came back and the idiots WOULDNT JUST STOP
it’s still happening which is pretty insane

1 years ago   Reply (1)


this next part has someone you might be familiar with
around june 10 parapps returned and he just started following people (including me) and started to do what he usually does

1 years ago   Reply (1)


(this part might not seem important but trust me this’ll be needed later)
then a few days later marc broke up with their bf after his bf said some not so good things about marc
then someone named adriansbirds said something that didn’t have much context and everyone got pissed at him

1 years ago   Reply


the next day they lied about logging out and started to wreak havoc on marcs account
then they started saying the n word and other bad stuff to try to get marcs account banned
after that they left the account after marc let other people into his account
the next day they got back on the loraxs account and started to do stuff
while they were saying “all” of the swears and slurs their parents found out and banned them from all devices for 5 months

1 years ago   Reply


goldygirl hacked them and they had another account that was just italian and when the lorax tried to go back into their main account they couldn’t
goldygirl changed the name the description and everything else
then someone gave them marcs pass and email and they hacked marc
then they were threatening to delete his account
luckily it was spared and they said they would “log out” of his account

1 years ago   Reply (1)

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