
Small artsy(don't read comments)

What is wrong with you. I don't wanna start any drama but... I love you and I still do. You were so Needy with me which gave me traumatic memories of my ex. It's not your fault, but I got scared and tried to tell you, but I felt bad. But I CAN'T BELIEVE WHAT YOU DID. I hurt you on accident, and you have VERY VALID trust problems, but then you don't care, all of a sudden hate me, block me, now everyone hates me, and I'm sitting here shaking and weeping. BUT NOW I'M SAYING SORRY.




also, i would like to say, your desc is very *very* accurate<3

1 years ago   Reply (1)


first of all, hi! been a while. this is crow/styx. how ya been? i dont care. ^^

secondly, youre pathetic! just thought id make that clear. you put marc thru a shit ton of stress, because youre a desperate piece of shit who cant accept that he doesn’t have feelings for you anymore. you cant get upset with him over that, its not his fault. its not like he CHOSE to not feel for you anymore. he just doesnt. and you need to accept that. not be an obsessive piece of shit, that likes to cause trouble and makes multiple accounts to mess with him. hes down with you. you need to suck it up and accept that. alright? alright.

stop being a lousy piece of trash and leave him be. he doenst need your shit following him around. hes done. and you need to be as well.

1 years ago   Reply (1)

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