

I love how everyone ok this app choose not have the word kindness in their dictionary. I know you're trying to stand up for him, but you must treat parole how you want to be treated. What I did was an accident. And yes, it is very clear to me. But he hates me JUST bc I said I want to be aro ON FVCKING ACCIDENT. IT WAS A JOKE. THAT'S WHY I DELETED IT. In fact, can you tell him I said that? Thanks, whatever your Answer is.




and, i honestly dont know the whole story abt why he was supposedly upset with you. honestly dont care. all i know is since then, youve been tormenting them and being a bother, and they dont want to be with you anymore. and you need to accept that and back the fuck off. mkay? :)

1 years ago   Reply (1)


ok first of all, that whole phrase doesnt mean shit to me, because i dont care how ppl treat me. and no, i cant. i dont send messages for stressful assholes like you.

1 years ago   Reply (1)

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