

What is up with people faking being groomed?
Also thank you my skull is thicker that your brain/atom which is the perfect width.
And he deserves repetitive hate so thanks for putting that out❤

Much love




I'm not faking it. I srsly am not. I don't even wanna put that out there. For fucks sake ik what this feels like. I'm not saying what he did was right. I'm saying what he is doing now is right. I don't make fucking storys on anything about "wOw I waS gRooMed AnD rApEd whEn I wAs 8!!!" Cause that's fucking childish. I'm not SAYING ANYTHING he did was right. I'm saying he has apologized and giving the most sincere apology you can give throught the internet/art app. I am very very dumb so thanks fr noticing... But I hope you can work things out with jevil. I'm saying I feel bad for so much hate he is getting. It's between him and the victims. Hope u have a good day!!
Yours Truly,

1 years ago   回复 (1)

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