whopples 2.0 (whopples/Tichey)

Oh wow it appears that 2 purple stars are arguing each other on a heated argument1?1??1😳🤯😱 This escalated so quickly!?1!!1😟😨😬

It's gotta be the left one. The colors of its eyes gives more heat energy and white ones just gives 0.5 heat energy. Technically when the color of the aura on the eyes and the body itself gives more energy according to my brain that's definitely smart can tell enough that the left one of the Purple Star which is named "The Horizon Star" is more energy then the other Purple Star which is also named "Purr Pael" which gives less energy. Therefore, left star wins.



whopples 2.0 (whopples/Tichey)

Oh wow, I appreciate your evocative idea and concept. When you nicknamed these two stars, I now have to give them names I guess. I agree that the left star will prevail due to its greater strength, brightness and appearance.

1 years ago   Reply (1)

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