
Mr Milk

"The internet is a safe space" meanwhile there's tons of people who are pedophiles, rapists, racists, homophobes, people who are willing to doxx people, murderers, cyber bullies, who use the Internet to go thru with their disgusting values, okay, yeah, that's pretty safe lol


  Mr Milk


And of course murderers is dumb to say they're on the internet because ain't no one gonna kill you through a damn screen like what

1 years ago   Reply (1)
  Mr Milk


Yes it pretty much is, like you can't rape someone through a screen

You can groom someone but you'll ultimately get fucked by the entire internet that will hate you and also same for discrimnating, and doxing, and of course doxing never actually does anything bad, and bullying is petty unless it's done to sensitive people. No one can physically harm you, so yeah it's safe

1 years ago   Reply

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