☢️Tox Fox💚 (founder of fel...

Ew a proshipper liked one of my videos “It helps me cope with my trauma ☹️☹️” stfu I went through similar things and I don’t want to draw people fucking kids you self-centered, idiotic mentally ill FUCK

Owe… so if I keep it animal x animal it’s fine?…


  I have tapeworms

☢️Tox Fox💚 (founder of fel...

Making nsfw of animals that walk on all fours is wrong and disgusting anthropomorphic characters It’s fine to do that because they look and act more human. The reason why it’s so nasty to do it with normal animals is it promotes zoophillia so making nsfw offff let’s say puss in boots would be wrong because he looks and acts more cat than a regular anthro/furry character but, if you do that with like nick wilde that would be acceptable, considering he doesn’t act like a fox and is way more human looking

9 months ago   Reply (1)

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