Weird Human


I think I lost almost my all rl friends somehow :| and my mom is very mad at me of small things. I'm so useless I never do anything lol



Weird Human

I don't get the point of calling urself useless because u never do anything, explain me more so I can give you my opinion about it

1 years ago   Reply (2)

Weird Human

People shows in ur life and leaves, not mostly of friendships are forever, I feel u but it is worse cuz my best friend that I knew him for 3/5 years doesn't want to talk w me anymore, but I gotta handle with it

And u gotta handle w it cuz this society ain't good, just stand up and try to continue with life, cuz it will not be easy
People are horrible by nature, I always say that, u're better than them if they did that 🤷🏻‍♀️ keep that in mind, even if u think u're not enough or u're just useless, belive me, u got an amazing heart and good personality than them, u js better g
Keep that in your mind.

I can't say a lot about ur mom, cuz I don't know what things she gets mad 😟
Moms will always be difficult to understand sometimes, but try to handle that, and ignore if she's saying sum, it will be difficult for u since you're too young but just try and try and try to handle things like that

1 years ago   Reply

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