🍷Zilo🎭 (founder of felixlib...

Mr Milk (Member of antisaca)

Make communism work?…… good luck


  Mr Milk (Member of antisaca)

🍷Zilo🎭 (founder of felixlib...

Keep in mind I'm not the leader of this whole thing, he is, I don't think he's very politically educated, because first, he says he wants to make a Good Communist society, and then he decides to allow freedom of speech, and civilianated businesses, hes not a president, nor an emporer or a king, but honestly i wouldnt know what to call him and his strange system that I joined, but it seems to be going well. I myself have become a large reason why he got as far as he did, because I had led and involved with many groups before him, and studied systems enough to had become competent enough to teach him these systems. In his mind, communism is just a Dictatorship of any kind, he doesn't know the real meaning

11 months ago   Reply (1)

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