Lenny's stories🙂


Oh good, but just so you know, believe it or not Louie is my twin. Yeah, we got in a fight a long time ago, so we don't really mention each other now. I do hate the fact I'm her twin. She tried to force me to dye my hair IRL before. But yeah, she kinda forgot she had a sister because our parents divorced so I went with my dad and she went with her mom. I have her on roblox tho, I'll talk to her about that h0tb0ysigma to to make sure it wasn't an alt


  Lenny's stories🙂

Lenny's stories🙂

Also, the fight was over my hair color, she bleached her hair A LITTLE BIT blonde (she not actually a blonde irl) and she wanted me to do the same since we are twins but I didn't want to. Louie looks nice but she's just pure mean and sassy. If you met her irl she would boss you around. So that's why I don't see her as a sister. I'll keep you updated on the roblox messages

7 months ago   回复 (1)
  Lenny's stories🙂

Lenny's stories🙂

She's online on roblox, she's not playing any games.. I'mma text her

7 months ago   回复

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