HaWkLeAf RebelCat (♎Libra♎...

Perfect head form

Good morning my awesome ninja
I have been in thoughts of an idea that keeps returning throughout
each day for like the past week now.. The idea of an animated series
that consists of a line up of 4 or 5 main characters where each one
individually coming from each artist involved (4 or 5 of us A.M. artists).
A show that people of all ages would know and totally love to be fans of.!!!!
If you're wondering why I have come to you first about this idea you gotta be
kidding... Bro Your work is the shiznit my homie!!! It kicks ass in all the ways
of what makes for professional and its all well proven here on your profile!!!
The entire mass gravitates towards you from the power of that and power of
how you have been a true supporter of works I did here, so yeah damn right
the gold goes to you!!!


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