Kylar 🍉

Kylar 🍉

+ lgbtq hcs her being bisexy is purely because im a guy otherwise the rest i base my hcs off of existing information (lgbtq - cupioromantic she never believed in love at first sight until she saw mc and it's been stated that she has thought of marriage with someone else before mc so i would think she just wanted a relationship she honestly does not seem to genuinely feel romantic desire) + (ethnicity hc is based off of the obvious fact that she isn't from stellis at all however her mom is from stellis but her dad isnt. I only said she was probably german/chinese because i base my information off of chinese TOT and I assume stellis is based in china while svart is based in germany, most likely european at least)


  Kylar 🍉

Kylar 🍉

i can ramble about her all day

8 months ago   Reply (1)

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