vivavoo18 (Member of the fo...

Some higher grade person literally said "WHERE IS THE FRIXKDBSJDB WINPY KID BOOK " like just ask the libarian💀💀💀

Same but the grade and stuff was a bit diff,So I was 10 yrs old at 6th grade,THE other person was in 3rd grade staying in my class AND HOW DOES A 3RD GRADER GET INVITED TO A CLASS THEY CANT BE IN🤧🤧 and they try to vandalize my desk and for no reason to find my notebook like they say "i WaNnA vAnDaLiZe yOuR dEsK tO FiNd yOuR nOtEbOoK tO mAkE tHe dEsK mEsSy" and he was 8 years old and hes named "Ray" and he messes everyone's desk up and he does it to see if they have a notebook that has pages to rip like omg WHY DONT YOU STFU RAY


  The god of comfort,

vivavoo18 (Member of the fo...

dang people can really do that?
Bet he has a tutor💀💀

1 years ago   Reply (1)

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