☩Ben animations ☩

🇺🇲🇮🇪✝️✡️ Mr.London,✝️ anim...

Determining the selling price for your S5 robots involves several factors such as production costs, market demand, competition, and perceived value. It's essential to conduct market research to understand what customers are willing to pay for similar products and to ensure your pricing strategy aligns with your business goals. Additionally, consider factors like warranties, customer support, and any unique features your robots offer.


  🇺🇲🇮🇪✝️✡️ Mr.London,✝️ anim...

☩Ben animations ☩

The S5 robot , can cook clean and protect human type
It is 10 times stronger than a regular person
The robot can carry heavy materials and do any job as a human can , the robots are credited. At the USS robot foundation , we make these robots to help the world
In many ways

I already got a bunch of paperwork and business meetings with other presidents about the robots
I am now getting speeches all around the world about the robot ,

7 months ago   Reply

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