☢️Tox Fox💚 (founder of fel...


Owe no no… I make NSFW now… though i follow rules… you can think me for making them… most people use them since I informed it when I was the Horny Police… that was one of the last things I did. I found that it was impossible to make people stop so I had to find another way of doing things. In my research it shows to help with anatomy practice so it’s not good to stop it, and for people to do it less make them feel like they don’t get a thrill from it. Make it normal. So in conclusion that is what I did… but there was a catch. If you want to you can look at the last section of my description. I quit because it was to much for me… anyway sorry and thank you for doing whatever you are doing with the horny Army.



☢️Tox Fox💚 (founder of fel...

crew, we have found a new target *cocks gun* /j

3 months ago   Reply (1)

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