AM Interviews Channel


Ah yes I for sure would love to live in the Pokémon universe too I can finally live my dream of being the Best Pokémon Battles. I will win every battle by knockout and take out the Trainer too!
RKG what is the best part to you about drawing and what tips would you give to someone to become better?



AM Interviews Channel

Honestly my favorite part is simply being able to create things from my imagination

As for the art tip: I see a lot of young artists getting super overwhelmed from feeling like they need to do something immediately or else X, despite not having a job/urgency relating to that interest (This happens especially on social medias like AM due to the pressure to keep posting). I recommend taking a break for a day to separate your high priorities vs side projects and relaxed activities. Hobbies should be fun, don’t let them be chores!

Sorry for the late reply tho lol

11 months ago   Reply (1)

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