Holy ✝️ Mr.London,✝️, carto...

🍷Zilo🎭 (founder of felixlib...

I just give up on making stories , every time I make a story , things get way too sad and way too far
Making other people sad and angry

So I give up


  🍷Zilo🎭 (founder of felixlib...

Holy ✝️ Mr.London,✝️, carto...

(Pis stop deleting a comment and writing it again. Just edit it. I wrote several paragraphs and couldn't send it.)

As an honest and good friend… I do believe your stories are bad… but if you ever need to ask I can help you with that. Also if you don’t want it to be sad then don’t make it about War. That stuff is supposed to be sad and angering.

7 months ago   Reply (2)

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