

Rest for now, Youll need it, You may confronf your family about it or try to get like a family session therapy, Thats what id recommend, But i dont really know if what your sisters are talking about is negative or good, But i know that it is negative, And have you told your mother about this?, If you have then has she done any course of action to prevent or lessen this like talking to your dad about it?, Sorry if this offends you but this is my perspective, You may use this as a stepping stone rather than a burden on your back, Since this doesnt do anything good for you only worsens you, But have you talked to your father about it?, Also about your father taking your phone, If i may ask, Has he been drinking alchohol? Or Just has issues, If so you may talk to him about it rather than hiding it, But i would say to think about the positive outcomes it may result in rather than the negative..

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