
Now I'm 18 years old, and i'm scared

Hey !
First of all, happy birthday !! 🎉

When I was about to turn 18, I was also scared, because it feels like a big step when, you said it, it doesn't change much all of a sudden. It's more of a gradual thing, like yes you technically "become" an adult, but mentally you don't change immediately.

I'm sure you'll be fine. Just do your best !! And never stop doing what you like.
If you ever want to talk, remember you have my Discord ✌️


  Alexis (SGM)( MPSBC🍓)


Thank you so much Luna
I'm very worried about what could happen in the future, things that I will have to go through one day.
And there are many things, but thanks for the comment, it really helps me, sometimes I get lost worrying about things
And thank you for being here, and being able to talk with someone

4 months ago   Reply (1)

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