HaWkLeAf RebelCat (♎Libra♎...

Uncanny should not have thrown... By Animator HawkLeaf Rebelcat

Man I know better than to upload without taking the frame speed down
a notch or two.. Folks hey remember if you don't already know,, to always
check your frame time speedometer before uploads, why???
Because your device's function status effects upload results! Mmm'kay
(Example): setting at 17fps with my device, always comes out like 20fps.
Its a real piss off bug needing rid of.



HaWkLeAf RebelCat (♎Libra♎...

It's very annoying if you upload a 400 frame animation just to turn out being Hella fast, then you have to re-upload the animation to it's right speed.

1 weeks ago   Reply (1)

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