Goofy ghost pumpkin guy

Leafy that likes the song P...

Idrk the personalities for the characters so I’ll go off what I think


  Leafy that likes the song P...

Goofy ghost pumpkin guy

Dead Head: Would’ve been a collecter and trying to see if their head if alive,
Game Card:Likes Games, Doesn’t like when he is used for switches,
Tounge:Hates Being Stuck in Ice, A Person out of curiosity(rarely) and sometimes happy.
GBS:Just like Yin-Yang from II, they always agrue,
Pepporni:A mischevious topping, always likes to ruin challenges for other people,
Cheesy:go to #OSIAN4RC and find cheesy to see it,
OSIAN:hates deals, loves being the logo of OSIAN, plus, he doesn’t care he’s armless,
Pot(2):A funny guy, loves treating his contestants the way he wants too,
GBS 1:A Good Person, always loving doing good deeds, even if he messes up sometimes, but he can’t handle spicy food,
GBS 2:A Bad Person, always hates people, and loves fighting with GBS 1,can handle spicy food,

1 months ago   Reply

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