👑☆|hømełess ĵester|★👑


S:".....can I go back to mint-"

S.p, sg, mg and n.p :"no."

S :"awe man...I don't wanna do this though."

Sg :"U can go back later once we're done with this."

S" :"but-."

S.p :"just shut up, Saturn. God you've been in this universe for so damn long u forgot that we weren't meant to stay. Plus, what happened to "we need to go" or "let's hurry this up!." When we first came??"

S :"we'll maybe if u actually cared for some of these people here, you'd understand!."

S.p :"why do u think we're getting this star?!."

S :"cuz that's all u care about!. "Get the star!." "We need the star!." "Walk it off and let's get the star!". U don't give a single shit about anyone here!!."

S.p :"cuz WE weren't meant to!!."



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