C.x:"I just figured out our next game for today!!."
C ".....who are-"
C.x:"shhhhhhh!!!!....."*they snapped, making the star thingy appear in their hands, shaking it like a magic 8 ball*"and the game iiiiiiis!!!.....tf that say....oh!, hide and seek!!."*they attached the star back to their tail*"ya guys can do teams if ya want. Cuz I ain't keeping track of yall!."
*he immediately walked over to cuppy* sup.
*minty and Saturn began to make out again*
V.s:*he just stood there*
C.x:"one two three four five...awe man, little man is alone."
V.s:*he walked off*
C.x:"....I feel bad for him. Anyway!, everyone head outside!. We're gonna play in that creepy ass forest or woods, idk. See ya!!."*they disappeared*
*cuppy, Saturn, minty and moon went outside*