⭐️⭐️💫💫Star butterfly🌟🌟🦋🦋🦋


May u have much time for urself than this stupid studies 🥰🥰
Miss uu leo
I want to hug u soooo tight(I can't even describe hw hard I want to hug u)
By the way hw are u these days ??
And I thought we can reach each other by WhatsApp but I don't think my mom would allow me it's too scary but I want to talk to u idk why but whenever I talk to u I feel very happy and think there is any value for me to live



⭐️⭐️💫💫Star butterfly🌟🌟🦋🦋🦋

Whatsapp is not really a suitable platform :) but I am sure that both Roblox and Discord will be open by this year, even if they are not open, I can use VPN. and I work hard because I want to be a very rich and happy game developer in the future 😎

3 months ago   Reply

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