Lunarify [CEO of VFlower Fa...


Mmmh okay, that's a bit reassuring.

Also no, I'm not thinking you're a baby or stupid, it's just that, when we're young we're not always doing the most logical thing or don't always notice when things are getting out of hand.
But okay, I believe you and I'm kinda reassured that you're not doing stupid things or whatever, just be careful and take care, that's all I'm asking.

I have to admit that maybe I'm too worried because of what I've mentioned earlier, but as for the jokes etc I tend to forget that when I was around 14 I was doing dirty jokes too so yeah it's not that unusual... Anyway thanks for clarifying, I'm glad you're aware that it could be dangerous if you were serious etc aaaah I'm sorry idk how to express my thoughts properly in English but yeah take care stay safe etc etc



Lunarify [CEO of VFlower Fa...

Also, im sorry if I came off as rude or angry. I just wanted to emphasize that I know what I’m doing. But I appreciate your concern and I’ll try to stay as safe as possible

4 days ago   Reply (1)

Lunarify [CEO of VFlower Fa...

I understand
Thank you for your concern, take care too

4 days ago   Reply

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