I am creepshow (leader of t...
Shut up all u retards you dont get it at all Jesus made both boys and girls so they date each other and it's against the Bible to date ur own gender
I am creepshow (leader of t...
You are really living your life off a book? Deciding what other people can and cant do off of a BOOK?! You called us the R slur because you think we should listen to a long book. Go do something else with your life please. (King Orange)
I am creepshow (leader of t...
We can date whoever we want to, because we have freedom, and we have rights.
I am creepshow (leader of t...
Stop shoving your religion on us. We can believe what we want to believe. I’m an atheist, and don’t believe in god. And stop using the R slur. That’s offensive. (King Orange)
I am creepshow (leader of t...
Uh.. and? Ur a retard, jesus made both boys and girls so we could choose. Go get a life and stop downing your own kind. Actually, your not even human, we need to start normalizing LGTBQ and stop praising homophobes.