(read rentry)


sis you LITERALLY just said that "THIRD of all... Don't tell him what to say and what not to say "honey"... and what he said was the r slur;; I've explained it before on one of my posts on how it's extremely offensive to ppl with intellectual disabilities and why you shouldn't use it at all but ok 😐 it's not gatekeeping, its just being respectful to the ppl that these slurs apply to 😌❤️



(read rentry)

Thank you.
I just learned some thing new today...😮
My apoligies... I had to much self pride to say sorry and admit I was wrong... 💖
So yes he was wrong and he shouldn't say r w0rd.
I just didn't k ow that the r word was such a bad word bc my brother calls me it all the time....

4 years ago   Reply (1)

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